Sunday, August 29, 2010

Freezer Pot luck

-Katrina Memorial Pascagoula Beach Park

This morning, I read a list of local events marking the five year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. The one that struck me most is a area Episcopalian congregation that is marking the event by meeting for services in the parish hall, where they worshipped for months after Katrina flooded the sanctuary. They will follow services with pot luck from the freezer.

This year, I bought a small freezer. It's only five cubic feet, about the smallest home freezer you can buy. I found it on Craigslist. Big Sis was kind enough to pick it up for me in New Orleans and deliver it to my house. Turns out, the man selling was a shrimper in New Orleans who sadly didn't need it due to the oil spill.

But anyway, back to the freezer. My biggest concern this hurricane season centers around that freezer. I'm so worried that we'll lose power and lose everything in the freezer. In fact, I've considered buying a generator just because of that silly freezer.

For this reason, the idea of a commemorative freezer pot luck strikes a chord. Should south Mississippi have a significant loss of power anytime soon, know that you're all invited for a blueberry feast accompanied by chicken on the grill and spiral sliced ham. I would sprinkle everything with milled flax seed and steel cut oats but I assume those stockpiles will survive outside the freezer.

A few notes on Katrina itself:

Everyone here has a story. I think a lot of people are tired of telling their stories. My story is one of observation as I didn't move here until a few months after Katrina but having visited the gulf coast for many years prior to Hurricane Katrina, I know what was lost.

I've watched the coast rebuild. This is truly a resilient place with resilient people.

I understand the frustration of the Mississippi Gulf Coast, the epicenter of Hurricane Katrina, which had a few towns almost wiped off the map when the spotlight of storm damage is again and again focused primarily on New Orleans.

One of my strongest memories of the rebuilding after Katrina will always be the debris trucks, piled high with ruined belongings, rattling along I-10, and occasionally losing a sofa or mattress off the top of the pile.


  1. Mom and dad have a generator.

    Great shot of the memorial. I spent many summers playing at beach park and at the beach across the street.

    My thoughts are with everyone today.

  2. I am glad that we could spend this day together, as I have not forgotten the helplessness we both felt five years ago.

  3. Lori, I really like that park. They've put a lot of new things in there lately. You should go have a look when you're on this side of the Atlantic.

    Fin, I am glad as well!

  4. We open our home and varoius grills to our neighbors and feast like crazy when the power is out. Hurricanes are part of coastal living and a reminder of why I absolutely despise fall.

    If you only lose what is in your freezer during hurricane season then you are blessed.


  5. Too true Bobby.

    Actually, if we had a bad one headed this way, I would have to load up the animals and implement the evacuation plan. During Katrina, our area didn't get water as we're pretty far inland but several tornadoes ripped through the area.

  6. Earl looks to be coming awfully close. I'm already gearing up our plan of action.

  7. We're watching Earl too. I sure hope he takes it easy on the Eastern Coast.


Please play nicely.