Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas Countdown, Lighthouses

The weekend after Thanksgiving, this Guy That Loves Me flew me around this lighthouse.  The Montauk Point Lighthouse, at the end of Long Island.  It was already dressed for Christmas.

We'd driven out a year or two ago but managed to make it on a day that the Lighthouse was closed.  Quite honestly, it was just as well because we weren't doing well at being best friends that particular day.  That happens to all of us from time to time.  Plus, it was a very gray day and the photos I took didn't turn out well at all.  Perhaps one day we'll drive out again on a more auspicious day.

Nice to make more and better memories with this beautiful light. 

I'm looking forward to a peaceful Christmas with those I love.  I'm sure memories will ensue.


  1. Looks like y'all had beautiful weather for your flight.

  2. We did. It was very nice if slightly cold day.

  3. I love the way perpective changes when one flies over as opposed to drives to and around.

  4. That's pretty cool when you can get the bird's eye view.


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