Sunday, January 16, 2011

Ice Flows

Last week, we had unusually cold, cold weather.    It's not often that you see ice along this stretch of the Gulf of Mexico.  On Thursday, when thinking about where to eat lunch, I had an intuition that Beach Park was the place to go.  Sure enough, as soon as I turned into the parking area I was validated.  In fact, I ran into some other folks coming to visit the spectacle of ice, word must have gotten around town.

Photos: Beach Park, Pascagoula, Mississippi


  1. Wow , Bethany! "Cool" photos ...( no pun intended!) Great shots you took. Yes, I's been way colder.... from Tampa Bay area norm of 72* also!

  2. Lovely shots. Thanks for taking the time and trouble to share them with us.


  3. That looks so weird, with the blue sky!! Then again, we have had gray, gray skies for weeks!

  4. Ice on the Mississippi coast? This weather is just BIZARRE! But your photo is wonderful. :)


  5. Sunny, thanks. Yes, this winter seems and last seemed particularly colder than usual. Strange. Made for strange things in my garden last spring.

    Fin, thanks Honey.

    Kate, I can't imagine. And, all that snow... Brrrr...

    Scott, truly bizarre. It's warmed up again now. Thank goodness.

  6. Reminds me of the first time I saw palm trees, which happened to be during a spell of freezing rain in South Carolina - the palms were coated in ice!

  7. Intelli, Fin wants a palm tree. I keep point out that they freeze here in the winters. Oh, and they're non-native. He still wants want so maybe one of these days I'll be taking photos of a frozen palm tree here. :)

  8. I walked out my front door this morning and felt a bite of chill in the air and it is mid summer down here!!! Odd weather here too. great pics btw!! Mags

  9. Maggs, strange isn't it. Glad you seem to be out of all the flooding. But yes, it sure has been strange weather.


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